Caroline Islands

Political Hierarchy

Geographical Hierarchy

All Oceans of the World --> Pacific Ocean --> Western Pacific Ocean --> Micronesia --> Caroline Islands

Coordinates: 6.05 147.0833333 The Caroline Islands (Islas Carolinas in Spanish, Karolinen in German) are a widely scattered archipelago of tiny islands in the western Pacific Ocean, to the north of New Guinea. Politically they are divided between the Federated States of Micronesia in the eastern part of the group, and Palau at the extreme western end. Historically, this area was also called Nuevas Filipinas or New Philippines[1] as they were part of the Spanish East Indies and governed from Manila in the Philippines.

query [long version]
Query Source:SQL Query
Query:SELECT lr.ReferenceUUID, lr.LocationUUID, lr.Start_Page, lr.End_Page, ref_pk.PKID, ref_pk.CorrectID, ref_pk.TableID, ref_pk.UUID, ref_pk.LegacyID, ref_pk.LegacyID2, r.ReferenceID, r.ParentReferenceID, r.ReferenceTypeID, r.LanguageID, r.Year, r.Title, r.SecondaryTitle, r.Publisher, r.PlacePublished, r.Volume, r.NumberVolumes, r.Number, r.Pages, r.InPages, r.Section, r.Edition, r.DatePublished, r.TypeWork, r.ShortTitle, r.Figures, r.StartDate, r.EndDate, r.URL, r.CheatCitation, r.CheatAuthors, r.CheatFullAuthors, r.CheatCitationDetails, r.CheatSearchReference, loc_pk.PKID AS Expr1, loc_pk.UUID AS Expr2, loc_pk.FK_TableTypeID, loc_pk.CorrectID AS Expr3, loc_pk.CheatSearchString, loc_pk.LegacyID AS Expr4, l.PK_LocationID, l.Location_name, l.FK_CountryID, l.Active, l.Abbreviation, l.x_location, l.y_location, l.map_name, l.GeoCoords.Lat as LocationDecimalLatitude, l.GeoCoords.Long as LocationDecimalLongitude, l.Echelon, l.FK_SubordID, l.location_description, l.height, l.width, l.y_rect_coords, l.x_rect_coords, l.SW_Bound_Lat, l.SW_Bound_Long, l.NE_Bound_Lat, l.NE_Bound_Long FROM Location_join_Reference AS lr INNER JOIN Taxonomer.dbo.PK AS ref_pk ON lr.ReferenceUUID = ref_pk.UUID INNER JOIN Taxonomer.dbo.Reference AS r ON ref_pk.PKID = r.ReferenceID INNER JOIN PK AS loc_pk ON lr.LocationUUID = loc_pk.UUID INNER JOIN Locations AS l ON l.PK_LocationID = loc_pk.PKID WHERE lr.ReferenceUUID IS NOT NULL AND lr.LocationUUID = ? ORDER BY lr.SortOrder
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  1. Type=CF_SQL_VARCHAR; Data=[92699115-EB4B-4B96-AD97-7154116616D7]; Direction=IN; Variable=null