Jordan, David S. & Barton W. Evermann. 1905. Part I.---The shore fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a general account of the fish fauna. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Vol. 23: i-xxviii, 1-574, pls. 1-65, pls. 1-73 (color).

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Genus 91. Myripristis Cuvier.
This genus is closely related to ITolocenfrr~s, differing externally chiefly in the absence of the large
spine at the angle of the preopercle. The air-blatltler is c!ivided int,n 2 parts I)y :L transverse constrit:-
tion, the anterior part extending to the otocrane. The plyoric c:tr!ca are rather few ('3).
Species numerous in the tropical seas; gaily colored i n h a b i h n t ~ of reefs and rock pools.
dll/ripriatis Cuvier, HQne Animal, Ed. 2, Vol. 11, 150, 182'J.(,jumbi~a).
dl~f'io~)l~islis G ll, I'roo. Ac. Nut. Sci. Phil,\. 18(iS, 87:.nmctldcd spelling.
12huaq1hober?lr Gill. Proc. Ac. Nnt. Sci. l'hil~r. 1863, 87 (~(ccIIo~IILs).
u. Sctiles Inrgc, 34 or morc in the lateral line.
b. ICdgc of ol,crcle blackish.
e. Dorsal rays 16 or 17; scl~les 40 to 43.. .............................................................. .~rr?iltir.c~din(rrl;, p. 149
cc. Dowfrl rnys 14 or 15; sctrles larger, 34 to 36.
d. Fins golden in life; sc~iles 34; D. x-I, 14; A. rv, 12 .................................................. .chv!lsrr~r8,p. 150
(id. Fill* red in life; scales 3G; D. x-I, 15; A. rv, 14 ................................................. .syrrr~rrt~Iriors, p. 161
bb. Edge of operclc pale; sctllc~ 36 to 38 ....................................................................... .seaFzi, 1). 151
aa. Scalcs umaller, fewcr thtir~ 34 in the latcnrl l i~ le .
c. Edge of oporclc black; axil black; ~ctlles fewer tlln113.3.
f. Scales 30: verticfll flw wit11 first my6 white.. ................................................... ..,~t?~r(ija,,, p. 15:!
If. Scales 3% vertical flus without wllite rays ........................................................ .ber,r,fli, p. 138
ce. Edge of opcrclc silvery or pale; axil merely dusky; scales 38
.u,:r/llron~us, 1,. 15.1 .................................

105. Myripristis multiradiatus Gunther.
Read 3 in length; deptll 2.3; eye 2 in head; s11o~it 7; nrnsillary 1 . 9 ; n~at~dib le 1.9; i~lterorbital :<.I);
D. s or XI-I. 16 or 17: A. IV. 15: scales 4-40 to 43-5.
Body short, deep, a:itl t-o~tipressetl; tlorsal outline evenly t~onvcx f ro~n tip of snout to origin of
soft dorsal; vclntral outline nearly ec]n:tlly ~ o n \ ~ e s , solnewl~at flattenet1 nnclo \,c.ntrals; head sllort,
snout blunt; nioutli su~all, the js\vs eclrlal, the 111axil1:lry reacnlli~lg 1)osterior line of l)npil, tri;lngnlar,
t l ~ e ~~oster ior side concave, the entl nearly straight, the anttbrior edge wit11 :L fcw blunt tc3etl1 a t the
angle; ~nandible sn~ooth, without knol) at til); no t1istinc.t 11otc11 in tip of n1)pt.r jaw; eye t~~odcratp,
sotnewhat greatrr than postocc~lar part of hcacl; it~terorbital space ncaiuly flat, the 2 ~ n e d i a t ~ ridges
(.onvex, close together in front, then tlirerging, tl1~11 con~ing nc:trly iogetlier on the II;LI,~; oatsidr of
these on the nape on eat41 side, 4 short tliverging stri:rs; snl)orbit:~l r i n ~ finely serr:ttc on both et1gc.s; '
edges of opercnl:~r bones all serrate, the sernc. strongest a t the i~nglcs; the 011 jaws RII~:LII, it1
narrow villifortri bands. S?ales con~l)aratively sn~all, I I I U ~ ~ I (Ic>c~l)er than long, the edges striate ant1
finely dentate; humera1 scale small; lateral line gently arclied. Origin of spinous tlorsal sligl~tly
posterior to base of pectoral, the spines slentler, the first 1.8, the becotid about 1.2 in eye, tlic ot l ier~
increasing to the fourth, the last very short; interval 'r)etwecn dorsals \,cry sliort; anterior tlorsal rays
slightly producetl, their length about 2 in he:td, the edge of the lit1 soniewhat concave, the last rays
about 2.5 in first; anal similar to soft dorsal, the anterior rays rather longer than those of dorsal, anal
spines graduated, the first very Bnrall, tlie second so~ne\vliat l:trger, the tllirtl c*o~isitleral~ly longer and
stronger, its length about 1.3 in eye; fourth anal spine still a little longer than the tllirti but Inore
slentler; caudal fin widely forlred, the lobes equal, their length about 1.2 in liracl; pectoral slender,
Its length equal to that of cauclal lobes, its tip reacliing beyond those of ventr;tls; ventrals short, the
spine slender, its length equal to disineter of orbit, tlie longest rays about equal to snout anti orbit.
Color of a nearly fresh speci~nen (No. 03163) 6.5 inches long, top of lieaci and upper part of side
rich rosy red; lower parts: and side below lateral line pale rosy with silvery reflection; jaws rich rosy;
cheeks and opercles rosy and wliitish; upper half of edge of opercle rusty reddihh brown, this
cxtentling to shoulder-girdle; axil of pectoral dark reddish; spinous dorsal p;tle rouy, anterior
lnernbrane and outer part of others orange; soft dorsal pale rosy, first ray \vllite, outer half of next 6
or 7 rays rich rosy red; t,audal rich rosy red, etlgcs paler; anal spines white, the soft part same color
as caudal; pectoral pale rosy; ventral8 very pale rosy, tlie spinr and its 111~11ibra1ie white, the second
melnbrane deeper rosy; iris cloutled red nl~ovc, pale yellow below
Another example (No. 03480) was red in life, though paler than A1; murdjnit; side coppery
silvery; black opercular bar covering axil; first dorsal rosy, distal half yellowish orange; soft dorsal,
anal, and caudal deep cherry red, the edge scarcely paler; pectoral anti ventral pink, a little darker on
first rays, also on anal rays behind last spine; iris red.

Names found on this page: Myripristis Cuvier, 1829Myripristis multiradiatus Günther, 1874
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Myripristis Cuvier, 1829 Pages: 149
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